Recent Changes in Brother's Keeper version 6.5

These are new features or recently fixed problems in Brother's Keeper version 6.5.5 dated 19-Dec-2011

(If you already have BK 6 installed, you can download bkupdate.exe to update to the current version. The current version contains all the fixes and changes described below.)

To see what version of BK 6 you have, pick Help from the main menu, then About BK.

Download current version of BK 6.5 with all the changes

If you have BK 6 you can pick "Help, About BK" to see your exact version number. The changes between your version and the current version are the ones listed on this page from here down to your version number.

(19-Dec-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.5 are below)

(fixed) The new version of FTM makes gedcom files that might cause 'input past end of file' errors in BK, so that has been fixed.

(fixed) When using the utility to compare two databases, sometimes when adding a second spouse it would still show the marriage date for the first spouse.

(06-Dec-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.4 are below)

(new) The File, Quality Check routine has two new options, so it will not stop for those two items each time you run it. (In case you already know about those two problems, and you do not want it to stop for those.)

(fixed) Sometimes the shortcut key CTRL+Shift+H was not working correctly on the Source screen. (if you had assigned something to that key)

(fixed) Sometimes the Ancestor chart display made the font too small for the last generation.

(fixed) On Gedcom Import it was importing 1 ALIA tag OK, but it was saying it was not imported.

(28-Oct-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.3 are below)

(new) The Gedcom export and import handle adopted, step, or foster settings from the Edit screen.

(fixed) Fixed some problems when making HTML files for Group sheets regarding children with only one parent.

(fixed) On the Edit screen, if you first changed events for a person, then you deleted a child connected to that same person, it was not saving the events.

(fixed) Changed color of the new button on Picture tab on Edit screen (if you have set special colors for buttons.)

(10-Oct-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.2 are below)

(fixed) 10-Oct-11 Fixed a problem on the Select Person screen when clicking Options, the Options screen was too far to the right.

(changed) When printing the Ahnentafel Book with the option to also print all information for children, it was sometimes printing more than it needed to. Now it will not print details for a child if that child is also an ancestor and is printed elsewhere with the details.

(changed) On Ahnentafel Book, it was sometimes printing the Notes for a spouse even though that same spouse is also an ancestor.

(new) There is a pop up tooltip for the Comments box on JPG pictures that tells how to turn off the option to show the comment box.

(new) This verson will shows words like Partner and Fiance instead of just Spouse on the Select Person screen.

(fixed) On the ahnentafel book, if using the 4th choice for 'he married' it was not printing a general family source if there was a marriage date.

(23-Sep-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.1 are below)

(changed) The Utility to globally change one event name to another event name will work to change Other (with description) to Event (with location) now.

(new) On the Edit screen on the Picture tab, there is a new button to open the picture with your default picture program.

(new) Normally when you do a Gedcom import, the people have new numbers assigned in BK. However, if need to keep the same numbers that people have in the Gedcom file, then press the F3 key on the gedcom options screen before importing the gedcom file.

(new) When you click a picture on the Edit screen and BK shows it on a separate screen, it can show Comments if there are comments built into the JPG file. To turn off the comments, pick File from the top menu.

(fixed) On Ahnentafel book report, if doing children full data, and if doing notes, and if there was a Family Note, it would sometimes print the family note before the data for the spouse.

(15-Sep-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.5.0 are below)

(changed) The version has been changed to 6.5. The new BK 6.5 manual and CD are available from the online store.

(fixed) Fixed a problem with the 'Locations with Events' routine where a custom family event was not showing correctly.

(08-Sep-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.33 are below)

(fixed) Ahnentafel book with children, born and died only, if the option was on for full month names, the death date was not the full month.

(changed) This version puts the headings in a comma delimited file made from Lists.

(changed) The button shows Partner and Fiancee on the Compare screen instead of just Spouse.

(22-Aug-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.32 are below)

(changed) There are a few more words in this version that were changed from English to whatever language you are running.

(changed) This version uses the word 'copy' instead of the word 'move' on the compare screen when you are copying information from one side to the other.

(11-Aug-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.31 are below)

(changed) There is a new translation program for the translators, and they can use this version when testing their new lines.

(fixed) On the Ahnentafel Book, if printing full information for children of ancestors, it was not printing individual events for spouses of children.

(05-Aug-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.30 are below)

(new) This version has a new feature under File, Utilities, Compare Two Databases. It will compare your main database with a different database and show you what is different, and let you move data to your main database.

(new) On the Edit screen the button used to always say Spouse, but now the button will say Spouse or Partner or Fiancee depending on what events are attached to the couple.

(new) There is a new option on the Book reports to change the month names to the full month name spelled out. That option is at the bottom of the tab that says "Notes/Names".

(fixed) There were some changes on the Book reports for the way engaged couples or common law couples print.

(fixed) Fixed a problem with gedcom import for French users.

(17-Jul-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.29 are below)

(fixed) If you were printing a Book report and not using the English version of BK, and if you were using the new Custom Wording for marriage events, then if a couple did not have a marriage date or location, it would sometimes print "Married" in English.

(fixed) If you were printing a Descendant Box Chart and you had the option turned on for Pictures and also the option turned on for show which spouse produced which children, the picture would sometimes overwrite the spouse number.

(07-Jul-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.28 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Gedcom Export in cases where you had something in the Last Name field, and there were words in the name field after the last name. It could cause the last letter in the name field to not be included in the words after the last name. For example if the name was JOHN SMITH THE GREAT and if SMITH was in the Last Name field, then the gedcom export might leave off the last T in GREAT. This was only happening in the previous two version updates.

(02-Jul-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.27 are below)

(fixed) The 6.4.26 version (uploaded yesterday) had a bug if you happen to have any names that are only one word and that same word is in the Last Name field. It can cause error 5 on some book reports or gedcom export. For example the full name is only SMITH and you have SMITH in the last name field. This version fixes that problem.

(01-Jul-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.26 are below)

(fixed) When making HTML files for group sheets it was not showing family picture for the spouse if the spouse did not have individual picture.

(fixed) Fixed problem of extra space on Register Book lineage if showing only first name, and the person had something in the Last Name field.

(fixed) The Numeric Display and Alpha Display can show Russian, Baltic, Hebrew, and characters from Central Europe.

(changed) Changed MEDI tag in gedcom to be 3 MEDI below 2 CALN instead of 2 MEDI

(changed) On the Source screen, if NO non-blank field is checked, warn the user that nothing will print on a footnote.

(changed) When adding a new person, it looked for Alternate names ONLY if there was at least 1 person with that as the main name. Now there is an option to show matching alternate names even if no one has that for the main name.

(26-May-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.25 are below)

(new) On the Lists, Word Search report, new tab for 'Name and relationship' where you can search for siblings, or child and parent.

(21-May-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.24 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a bug in the gedcom import routine (that started with the 6.4.18 version) where sometimes Notes in certain types of gedcom files were not all imported.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where sometimes you would get error 52 'bad file name' if you went to Edit right after doing a Gedcom import.

(01-May-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.23 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the Custom Lists where if you were printing the Flags for a person, it would sometimes have the wrong flags if you printed a column to the left of the flag column that contained the name of the spouse, father, or mother.

(changed) On the Register Book, there has been an option when showing lineage back to show either the first name or first and middle names. Now if you ask for first name, it will check the 'First Name' field for that person to see if that person has a two part first name and it will use that instead of the first word in the name.

(fixed) On the Ahnentafel Book, if the user picked the 3rd or 4th options for the 'he/she married' option, it would print all family events before the spouse name was printed.

(fixed) If using the new Custom Wording on a Book report, and if printing a family event that had a description and not a location, it would sometimes not print that family event (depending on which option was picked for printing family events before or after the spouse events.)

(changed) On most reports that can save as a text file, it will default to the same folder as the data files.

(new) On File, Locations, Change Globally, you can press Shift+F3 while on the bottom location field to change the field to normal case (first letter of each word upper case)

(01-Apr-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.22 are below)

(fixed) This version fixes a problem where sometimes on Edit if a person had multiple spouses, and you changed spouses and then added a new event, it would add a source to that new event that was not correct.

(21-Mar-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.21 are below)

(new) There is a new update for the translators. After they finish the translation, there will be new language updates available.

(fixed) Fixed a problem when using the new Custom Wording for book reports, where if there was no date, but there was a location, it was saying 'He was married on in Chicago'

(fixed) If printing all pictures at the bottom of Group sheets, it was printing .JPG files, but was not printing .JPEG files.

(15-Mar-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.20 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem that started in 6.4.18 on the Split database or Flag routine for Ancestors where it sometimes gave an Overflow error.

(fixed) Fixed a problem with the new Custom Wording option. It was not excluding marriage information for living people when you asked it to exclude data for living people.

(12-Mar-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.19 are below)

(new) On the Edit screen, added new Option to set if you want the cursor to be blinking when you tab to the location field. (Some users prefer the old way, before the changes in 6.4.18) Your screen size must be 1024 by 768 or larger to see the new option when you click the Options button.

(new) A few users of BK5 have mentioned that BK6 prints the Individual notes in the Register Book report after the descendant and not after the spouse (like BK5 used to do.) So if you are one of those BK5 users that has not changed to BK6 because of this, then there is a new option to print the notes after the spouse. Currently this is a 'hidden' option. On the Register Book setup screen, press Shift+F6 and it will say that it will print the notes after the spouse. This option is currently not saved, so you must do it each time.

(09-Mar-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.18 are below)

(fixed) Ahnentafel book report with children, was not printing ahnentafel number for children if the BK code number of children was over 90000. That has been fixed.

(new) On Edit screen, if you tab to the location column, you can paste without typing or clicking first. (Added option in 6.4.19 to have it stay the old way.)

(new) On Witness list (when click W from Edit) you can double click a name of a witness to jump to that person on Edit. That person becomes the new main person on Edit. You can not go back to the previous Witness list, but you can click the < button at the top left to go back to the previous main person.

(changed) On Edit screen - on the tabs for children and siblings, it will show dual birth or death dates, not just first date if there are two dates - like a date range or beginning and ending dates.

(fixed) If ToDo list had a repository and you changed the 'Type' column, it would loose the repository.

(new) on the Select person screen, option to show matching names in birth year order can be changed there in addition to main Options screen.

(new) on the Select Person screen, new option to show mother to right or below father. (It may be better below if you have long names in your database.)

(fixed) On the Edit screen, when adding spouse that was previously a 'Not Entered' spouse, it was not adding the Marriage event automatically.

(fixed) Gedcom export was not exporting foreign dates in English if using Ansel or UTF-8 character set.

(new) OK, this is a new feature, but it probably only works in English until I make some more changes in the next couple weeks. On the Book reports, on Fields to Include where you can pick how to print the 'He married/She married' paragraph, there is a new 5th option called Custom Wording. If you pick that option, you can then press F9 to pick your custom wording for all of the marriage/family events. There are 5 choices if there is a date for the event and 2 choices if there is no date for the event. Eventually this will also work with foreign language versions of BK. Note to translators: you can COPY the English-CustomWording.DTA file to a new file name with your language name instead of English and then the program will use that file. After you translate the default custom words, if you are the BK translator for that language, you can send the .DTA file to John to be included in the install program. I still need to make some more changes before it works correctly with languages other than English.

(29-Jan-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.17 are below)

(fixed) Notice to Dutch users of the DUTCH.BKW language file. This update fixes a problem with Van and Vander names that was caused by the previous two versions. Download this update and install it, then run File, Quality Check to reindex the names.

(changed) Changes were made to the 'All Relatives' report to try to fix the error 75 that some Windows 7 users were getting with more than 4 generations.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Group Sheets where there was sometimes not a space after the name of the spouse of a child.

(new) Users of the Baltic character set will get the correct characters exported as UTF-8 characters on Gedcom Export.

(22-Jan-2011 new items or items fixed by 6.4.16 are below)

(changed) On the Word Search screen, you can put a space before or after a word you are searching for and it will then not match words that do not have the space. For example you can search for Rock followed by a space and it will not match Rockford.

(fixed) If you had the Select Person screen set to show matching names in birth year order, it was not showing the birth year before the Alternate Names (if you were also searching alternate names.)

(changed) When you go to File, Options, RTF and click Word, it finds it in the Office14 folder also now.

(fixed) Ahnentafel Book. The 'other family events' were not printing if you asked for the information 'at the end of the spouse information.'

(27-Nov-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.15 are below)

(new) A new translation program is available for the translators.

(fixed) Back starting with version 6.4.11 the program would ask if you wanted to create a new empty database when you picked File, Open database and picked an existing folder. However, if you said No, it would sometimes not respond well. So now, if you respond No it should go back and open the previous folder that was open.

(fixed) When making HTML files from the Ancestor chart, they looked OK with Internet Explorer, but sometimes did not look correct with Firefox or Chrome.

(new) Option on the Register Book and the Ahnentafel book to not have the word 'children' print in italics.

(fixed) On the Group sheet when including pictures, and doing a print or preview, if the location name or father or mother name was too long it would sometimes overlap the picture.

(changed) On the Edit screen, on the Siblings tab, it will put + after the number if that sibling is married.

(fixed) On the Register Book report, sometimes the child name would have 2 periods after Jr.

(10-Nov-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.14 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a bug on the Edit screen. The previous version (from yesterday) would cause an error in the program if you had a person with a birth date and you added a new death event with no date, and then changed the birth date.

(09-Nov-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.13 are below)

(changed) On the Edit screen, it will now show the age of the person as soon as you enter the dates. In previous versions, it only showed the age when you came back to that person.

(changed) On the Edit screen, it will show a * (star) on a tab if you enter information on that tab. In previous versions, it only showed the * when you came back to that person.

(changed) On the Edit screen, it will show the first 5 pictures if the screen size is 1024 by 768 and it will show the first 6 pictures if the screen is 1440 by 900

(new) On the Edit screen, you can click Options at the bottom of the Events grid and there are 2 new buttons to change the background color and the button color. Try to pick light colors for the best results. Note that the actual tabs will not change color and also that only the Edit screen uses these colors currently.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where it could overlap the picture with the personal message if you were printing all pictures at the bottom of a group sheet, and you were also printing a personal message at the bottom, but you were not printing any of the 3 choices for heading, person name, or file name below the pictures.

(changed) On Gedcom Export if you were only exporting select events and not all events, it will now save the list of events for the next time you export a gedcom file from that database.

(fixed) If you did a Register Book report with children names in small caps, and then without stopping the program you then did an Ahnentafel Book report that included children, it was printing children in small caps.

(12-Oct-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.12 are below)

(fixed) On the reports that can print 'Living' for the name of living people, it would sometimes still print 'Living' the second time you ran a report even though you asked for all details the second time.

(fixed) On book reports fixed this problem if 3 conditions were true. If 1. set to have divorce at the end, and 2. if excluding data, and 3. if descendant has details excluded, but spouse has died, it would sometimes say "they were divorced" at end of that spouse.

(fixed) On group sheets - if press F8 to 'print events even if not attached', it was blanking out the Custom Events instead of printing what was already in the Custom Events.

(fixed) On group sheets - if using new option and excluding data and blanking out data, it was sometimes not printing data for the main person that had died. Now it does print main person even if spouse is still living.

(22-Sep-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.11 are below)

(fixed) On gedcom export, if you picked the option to not export all events, it was still exporting 'Cause of death' event. That has been fixed.

(changed) If the user picks File, Open database, it will warn if no database exists and ask if you want to create a new empty database.

(fixed) On the Todo report it only showed the first date if there was a date range.

(changed) On the Group sheet do not say 'details excluded' for children if there is no birth date (if it guessed the child was living because parents were alive, but there is no birth date for the child.)

(new) On the Book report, Group, Descendant, and Ancestor chart, new option to have it leave off the words 'details excluded'. In other words, it will still exclude data for living people, but just leave it blank and not print the words 'details excluded'.

(17-Aug-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.10 are below)

(fixed) On the Family Group Sheet report, if a Family Note had a Source attached, it was not printing as a footnote.

(changed) On the Utility, Find Infinite Loop, it works faster now for large databases.

(fixed) On the Witness grid, fixed a problem if the witness had a source attached and you move the witness up or down on the list.

(new) New feature on the Book reports and Family Group Sheet report. If you press Shift+F9 it will turn on the option to print the blank picture file picturemissing.jpg for any person that does not have a picture. The idea is that you can send the report to your family and they will notice that you need pictures of certain people and they might send you those pictures.

(changed) Ahnentafel book report. If no individual picture, print family picture, but will not print the same family picture for both husband and wife. Will print individual picture if one has that and print family picture for the other spouse if no individual picture.

(new) On the Book reports, if you are making an RTF file with pictures, there is a new option on the RTF tab to put the picture heading with the pictures. This is not a perfect solution, but it should work for short headings. You may need to enlarge the Text box size in the RTF file after you resize all the pictures. (the Text box is around the picture box.)

(19-Jun-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.9 are below)

(changed) (for translators) F1 for Gedcom Import and Export to go to different screens now (4340 and 4350 instead of 135)

(new) Can use Shift+F8 on Edit to search location if having trouple with F8.

(changed) Changed Grand Parents to Grandparents in language file for Ahnentafel report.

(new) (for translators) Help screen number 4306 for select people when doing Gedcom export and selecting people.

(26-May-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.8 are below)

(changed) New translation program is available for the language translators.

(new) New report: Collapsed Ancestor Box Chart.

(18-May-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.7 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a bug in the 7 generation 4 page ancestor chart where it showed the parents for person number 27 as parents of number 25.

(17-May-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.6 are below)

(new) New option on the regular ancestor chart for 7 generations on 4 pages .

(fixed) Fixed problem where sometimes the RTF file for a Book report would show Roman Numerals for the Endnotes.

(changed) Gedcom export now uses the custom tag _RUFNAME for German Name, but it can still import the old tag _GERN

(changed) Indented Book report can print up to 40 generations (previous limit was 17) by using smaller indents automatically based on the number printed. Also it does not repeat any of the number patterns now.

(26-Apr-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.5 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Edit screen with spouse name overlapping at 1440 by 900 resolution.

(25-Apr-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.4 are below)

(new) New option on the Lists, Sources screen to print just the one selected source.

(new) If you have a screen size larger than 1440 by 900 and the Edit screen font is larger than you prefer, then at the bottom of the Events tab on Edit pick Options, and then select the option for 12 point font. Then close Edit and open Edit again.

(fixed) Fixed an error if trying to attach a .wav file to a source while using Vista or Windows 7.

(new) When the program starts, the main screen will show a picture of your choice. Make a picture called BKscreen.jpg and put it in the BK program folder or else in your BK data folder. If you have more than one BK data folder, it can show a different picture for each database. It is suggested that you use a picture of size 640 by 480 or at least one that is smaller than your screen size.

(changed) Gedcom export and import can convert Hebrew characters to UTF-8

(changed) The program gives new directions if stat error 35 occurs.

(09-Apr-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.3 are below)

(changed) On List, Sources, Print sources, new options to print 1. Repository name 2. Call number 3. names of file attachments (pictures or web links.)

(changed) Just for testing (or for fun) you can Right click a button at the bottom of the Children tab on the Edit screen to change the button colors for that tab. There are four color choices. There may be a new option in the future to change all the button colors on the Edit screen to colors of your choice.

Some people have reported that the larger screen font on Edit for screen size 1440 by 900 is too bold. If it looks too bold for you, you can do one of two things. 1. Pick Options at the bottom right and pick the option to use the 12 point font. Or 2. Change to a different font name. Go to the main BK screen and pick File, Options, Edit Screen. Change the bottom option and set it to 'Arial Narrow' and then pick File, Save and Close.

(01-Apr-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.2 are below)

(changed) Larger font on Edit for high resolution 1440 by 900 or larger.

(changed) On Edit screen for resolution 1024 by 768 or larger it will now show both 'add sibling' and 'add parents' buttons.

(13-Mar-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.1 are below)

Fixed a bug on the Register Book report which only happened if three things were set a certain way. It would print the wrong first name of the descendant before the death date if you were printing only Basic events, and you had the option turned on to print Alternate names, and you had the option turned off to print separate paragraphs for husband and wife. This bug started happening in January.

(11-Mar-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.4.0 are below)

BK 6.4.0 is the next version after 6.3.41 and it has all the changes made since 6.3 first came out.

(changed) On the Ahnentafel Book report, if you have the option turned on to also print children of the ancestors, there was a limit of 5 digits for the number before the child name, but that has been changed to 9 digits now.

(04-Mar-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.3.41 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Group sheets. The recent 6.3.40 version which fixed one problem for making HTML files for Range of Numbers, happened to cause a different problem for HTML files where some pages were missing when there were multiple marriages. This problem has been fixed now.

(26-Feb-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.3.40 are below)

(updated) When importing a Gedcom file, if the gedcom file is missing sources that should be in the file, there is an option to stop the warning message about the missing sources.

(fixed) Fixed problem on Group sheet. When excluding data for living people, it would sometimes list blank events for Baptized, Christened, Occupation for children.

(updated) The ALT+F2 popup for characters works on the Location Details now.

(updated) On the Lists, Sources screen, if you click to show which person this source is attached to, it will also show which event it is attached to.

(fixed) On the Group sheets, if printing a range of numbers with Husband at top of the page, it would sometimes put the Wife at the top of the page (in cases where that wife had a previous 'not entered' spouse.)

(updated) On Group sheet and Ancestor chart, if making HTML files, there is a Browse button to select the background picture.

(new) On the Edit screen, when you click Options, there is a new option there to switch to the Events tab if you double click a Child name.

(fixed) Ancestor Chart, if option set for Ref Number and making RTF file, it was not showing the Ref Number in the RTF file.

(fixed) On Gedcom Export, it would sometimes not export more than one alternate name for a person. (If for the options you did ask for sources and did not ask for Notes and did ask for pictures.)

(fixed) On the Indented Book report, if showing which spouse the child belongs to, and if the child has sex 'unknown', it will say 'child of' and not 'daughter of' or 'son of'.

(04-Feb-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.3.39 are below)

(updated) New language traslations for Danish, Norewgian, and German on 04-Feb-2010

(updated) Updated the Translation program for foreign language translators (see the translation page.)

(fixed) 31-Jan-2010 - On the source grid screen, the bottom buttons were too far left when screen size was 640 by 480.

(24-Jan-2010 new items or items fixed by 6.3.38 are below)

(changed) Improved gedcom import from gedcom files with referenced links to pictures, like those created by phpGedView.

(changed) Gedcom import can import pictures attached to sources.

(changed) Gedcom export has a new button to set options for maximum data output. (It changes the options back in case you have limited output for some fields.)

(new) On book reports, below "print alternate names" is a new option to "select which alternate names" and you can pick either a name type or a 'print where' value and only those will print.

(new) On book reports, on 'fields to include' tab there is a new option to have divorce, or other family events print at the end of spouse information.

(fixed) Backup routine was not backing up external notes that were attached to pictures (It was backing up the more common internal notes attached to pictures.)

(fixed) On the Collapsed ancestor chart if the BK code number was over 1 million it was dropping the last digit and showing the wrong person.

(12-Dec-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.37 are below)

(new) New option when making HTML group sheets to pick 3 sizes for the picture.

(changed) When you click Add Event on the Edit screen, the cursor will jump to the first blank column so that you can type the first letter of the event you want instead of having to use the mouse to click that column first.

(changed) On the Edit screen you can press CTRL+E to add a new event instead of having to use the mouse to click Add Event.

(changed) When adding a Witness that is a new person, you can pick Male or Female for that witness.

(28-Nov-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.36 are below)

(new) On the File, Split database routine, there is now a new option to include witnesses that are not part of the selected group.

(fixed) On the Register Book report, one combination of options regarding children names and small caps has been fixed.

(fixed) Made another change to fix a problem of some people not having the 'Married' event show up.

(22-Nov-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.35 are below)

(fixed) Gedcom import was sometimes not showing the option to import picture or media files (when there were picture or media file names in the gedcom file.)

(changed) Gedcom export and import works with UTF-8 for Central Europe character set 238 now.

(changed) Gedcom export made some changes for UTF-8 characters with ascii values from 128 to 159.

(fixed) Fixed some things on the Edit screen, Note tab for the text box if using the Central Europe characters set.

(fixed) For a new user, the program was not setting the default to add the 'Married' event when you clicked Add Spouse.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the Edit screen if adding sources to two different family Media files.

(10-Nov-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.34 are below)

(changed) For Event Notes, it shows correct character set for Central Europe and Hebrew.

(changed) Gedcom Import some programs use tag ALIA for alias or also known as name so BK will look for ALIA tag and import it as an also known as name.

(fixed) Gedcom Export was not using UTF-8 character set for notes attached to pictures.

(01-Nov-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.33 are below)

(changed) On the All Relatives report, changed maximum name length from 40 to 60 characters.

(changed) On the All Relatives report, if you ask for relatives of spouses, it will also include the other spouses of the spouse of the starting person.

(fixed) On the All Relatives report, sometimes the non-English version would print 'options' or 'printer font' instead of the word 'of'

(new) When you pick Help, How to Register, there is a new button there to go to the online store on the Internet.

(fixed) On the Register Book report, if you asked for the names of living people to be changed to 'living' and if you also asked for the lineage back to the starting person after each name, it would sometimes show the name of an ancestor that was living in the lineage.

(25-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.32 are below)

(changed) New lines available for translators for the 'All Relatives' report. Translators can download the new translation program now.

(changed) On the Edit screen, the Notes textbox was not showing Hebrew characters correctly.

(fixed) Some users of Windows 95, 98 or ME were having an error when going to Edit screen with versions from the past two weeks. This has been fixed.

(22-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.31 are below)

(fixed) On the 'All Relatives' report, if including the relatives of the spouses, the 6.3.30 version would sometimes incorrectly say 'of the partner of' instead of 'of the wife of' or 'of the husband of' for a married couple.

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report, it uses different temporary files now which should stop the 'error 75' that some people got when doing more than 10 generations.

(19-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.30 are below)

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report if a person had both a unmarried partner and then a spouse, it will not say 'second' wife or husband, it will jut say wife or husband.

(changed) The Edit screen can also show Hebrew in the Spouse combo box.

(18-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.29 are below)

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report if a couple is not married, it will say 'partner'.

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report the English version will still say 'uncle by marriage' or 'aunt by marriage' but other languages will use the phrase 'husband of the aunt' or 'wife of the uncle'.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the 'All Relatives' report where sometimes the option for no spouses would cause error 9.

(17-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.28 are below)

Note: the version that was on the web site from Thursday night 15-Oct until Friday 16-Oct at 11AM Eastern time had an error when going to the Edit screen, so if you have that version, download it again now. I am sorry for the problem.

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report there is a new tab where you can pick which people to include. Previously it did all relatives and all spouses and all of the relatives of the spouses as the default. Now you can limit the spouses or the relatives of the spouses.

(changed) On the 'All Relatives' report there is a new option on 'Fields to Include' to use the alternate name for a person.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the 'All Relatives' report where sometimes if you did the report twice in a row with the same starting person, it did not have all the people the second time.

(16-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.27 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the 'All Relatives' report where the number of generations was sometimes wrong when clicking Print. Also made a change to improve who prints when you ask to not print people who have died.

(changed) The Edit screen can also show Russian in the Spouse combo box.

(15-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.26 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the new 'All Relatives' report that called a half brother or half sister a cousin.

(changed) I am making some changes on the Edit screen that might affect the Spouse field. The previous field that could show multiple spouses (a combo box) was not able to show characters for some languages such as Czech or Russian. I have replaced that field with a new field and currently it should show names correctly from the Czech language. If you notice any problems with the spouse field, please let me know.

(13-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.25 are below)

(fixed) Fixed an Overflow error on the new 'All Relatives' report if your database is larger than 25,000 people.

(12-Oct-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.24 are below)

(new) New report under Other called 'All Relatives'. This report will compute all relatives of a person, including relatives of the spouse, and relatives of those relatives.

(fixed) On the Gedcom Export, the special fields of Last Name and Sort Name were sometimes not converted to the correct character set.

(changed) On the Group Sheet, if the alternate name does not fit on the first line, it will be moved to the second line.

Note for the foreign language translators: there are two new Help screens in the Help file. All Relatives is 4610. Infinite Loop is 4611.

(26-Sep-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.23 are below)

(changed) The biggest change in 6.3.23 is the new option under File, Options, to set the margins to centimeters. Since this affects almost all of the reports, and also affects when printing pictures, please report if you have any problems with this new option.

(new) There is a new utility under File, Utilities, to look for an infinite loop. If any of the reports say you might have an infinite loop, then run this utility to see which person is causing the problem.

(changed) New translation program.

(20-Sep-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.22 are below)

(fixed) The version from yesterday had a problem where the program would stop if you were sending a Group sheet to a file.

(changed) When making a book report, it used to put a comma before the ( ) sections, but now it does not.

(19-Sep-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.21 are below)

(changed) Changes for translators. New lines for Restore and Gedcom

(changed) If making an RTF file with pictures, it includes directions for Word 2007

(new) New option when creating a Gedcom file to change character set to UTF-8

(06-Sep-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.20 are below)

(changed) Changes for translators. 14 new lines.

(fixed) On the Custom Lists screen, if you picked the fields for Flags, those numbers were not saved if you picked File, Save Report Layout.

(fixed) If you were using a version from the last 30 days, and if you have a large database and if some people have the Common Law marriage event, then you might have received an Overflow error, and this version fixes that problem.

(01-Sep-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.19 are below)

(changed) Changes for translators. It may take the translators several days to update the language files.

(changed) Users can enter in Options the 3 symbols for born, died, married (since some countries do not use the same symbols).

(22-Aug-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.18 are below)

(changed) Gedcom export, always have exactly one space before /lastname/ to be compatible with changes in PhpGedView.

(30-Jul-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.17 are below)

(new) Option for color on Tree chart and Box chart.

(new) Gedcom export puts the tag _PRIM Y after the primary picture.

(new) Several changes for flags (see below). If you do not know what flags are used for, go to File, Utilities, Flag a group of people, then press F1 for help.

(new) Word search new tab for searching for flags.

(new) Custom Lists new fields for flags 351 - 355.

(new) On the Edit screen, right click a flag to delete it from that person.

(new) On the Edit screen, pick Add, Flag to add any of the 5 flags to a person.

(23-Jul-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.16 are below)

(changed) After a gedcom import, it will give an option to view the ged.lst file.

(fixed) When printing footnotes, if a source ends with ) or quote, it will not add an ending period.

(new) On the Unlinked Branches report, you can preview the branches, and then if you want to see exactly who is in one of the groups, you can close the preview and then press the F5 key and pick a group number, then do the preview again and it will list who is in that group.

(11-Jul-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.15 are below)

(new) The Gedcom Import and Export also includes Notes that are attached to Locations.

(fixed) When making HTML file for group sheets for a Range of numbers, if including people with no spouse, and if including pictures, it would sometimes add a random spouse.

(fixed) Fixed bug from previous update on 06-23-09. In the 6.3.14 version on the Edit screen if a person had only one parent and you clicked 'Add Sibling' it would wrongly say 'name required to save'.

(23-Jun-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.14 are below)

(new) New at main screen under File, Utilities, Fix Media Path. Similar to Fix Picture Path in 6.3.11 below.

(new) Box chart and Tree chart, it will use the Short Name (if that person has a Short Name added on the Names tab on Edit) when the regular name does not fit.

(new) Ancestor chart (print and display, not file) has new option to add one new event and pick a print color for that event.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the Tree chart where sometimes it would overlap if the last child in a family had more spouses than children.

(fixed) Sometimes a Box chart would only show 7 boxes on the screen even if the screen was wide enough to show more.

(10-May-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.13 are below)

(new) When you attach a previous source to an event, there is also an option to attach the same pictures that were attached to the previous source.

(new) If you use the Option to have the Edit screen go to a certain BK number, then if you have multiple BK databases, it can remember a different number for each database.

(new) Under File, Options, Edit screen, there are now four options about making the tabs bold.

(new) After you make an Ancestor chart RTF file, there is an option to open the file with your word processor.

(changed) If you click the N column to go to an Event Note the text box is larger if your screen is larger than 640 by 480.

(22-Apr-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.12 are below)

(new) On Edit screen, if an event has exactly one source attached, you can hold down Shift and click the S with the mouse to jump to that source and bypass the screen showing all sources for that event.

(new) New option on Group sheets to only print if date of last change is after a certain date. Note that not every type of change will set the 'date of last change' on Edit, but if you add or change an event date or location it will reset the date of last change.

(changed) Instead of setting option to show symbols in place of b. and d. on all reports, now you can pick that option separately for each report that can print b. and d.

(new) Option to print the Divorced event on Descendant report and Ancestor Chart. It will later be added to Ancestor chart html output.

(28-Mar-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.11 are below)

(changed) Changed the Tree chart to only insert a blank line after the last child in each family if that child has no children.

(new) New routine under File, Utilities, Fix picture path. To be used if you move your data to a new computer and you have placed the pictures in a different folder name on the new computer.

(new) On Edit screen, on the Events tab, if you click Options, you can pick Family Events to be added automatically when you add a new spouse to someone.

(changed) Now it allows more than 99 pictures per person.

(new) New option on Group Sheets, Individual Sheets, and Ancestor Chart, to 'show only years for dates'.

(05-Mar-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.10 are below)

(changed) On Group sheets, if printing a picture to the right of the person, it will adjust the size larger or smaller if that picture has something in the Size column on the Edit screen for that picture.

(fixed) On Graphic Charts, if printing a chart with months, it would sometimes include a person that had a year only in the date field.

(fixed) On Group sheets, if printing Basic events, it would sometimes not show the sources for the events of the first spouse.

(changed) On the Utility, global search and replace, if you are changing the Occupation field or other field, it will show the name of the person and the BK number of the person when it asks if you want to make the change.

(changed) If you are on the Birthday/Anniversary list screen and you press F1 it will show the help for the Birthday/Anniversary screen instead of the normal Custom Report help screen.

(03-Feb-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.9 are below)

(changed) On the procedure File, Delete unused sources, it will show each unused source and ask if you want to delete it (instead of deleting all unused sources sight unseen)

(changed) On the Backup and Restore screens, if you click "Pick a different drive" it shows all available drives and folders.

(changed) On the Restore screen, when it is restoring the Text, Picture, and Media files, it can create multiple levels of folders if the folders do not already exist.

(18-Jan-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.8 are below)

(changed) When creating a gedcom file, it will export names of .jpeg pictures in addition to .jpg

(changed) When adding pictures, it will also show .jpeg files in the folder in addition to .jpg

(fixed) Fixed problem on Edit where if you changed an individual event to a family event, it would sometimes not keep the event note or source.

(new) On the book reports (Register, Indented, Ahnentafel) instead of just whole words for Born and Died or abbreviation, there is now an option for symbols. (This option will override the option in File, Options, RTF/Other about symbols.)

(changed) On the Word Search, on the Event Search tab, it can search for a range between two dates just like on the person tab or the marriage tab. Enter year==year

(changed) If the BKAUDIT.TXT file gets over 2 megs in size, the program will rename it and create a new one and continue.

(fixed) The Unlinked Branches would sometimes miss people if a person at one time had parents, but later they were deleted.

(changed) Quality Check can fix people that at one time had parents, but later the parents were deleted.

(changed) On the Picture Summary, if you ask for Headings, it will display the headings on the screen and not just print them on paper.

(04-Jan-2009 new items or items fixed by 6.3.7 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a bug in the Utility, Find BK6 Database routine that prevented folder from opening correctly.

(changed) On Edit, the menu item to Show Source now works on all the tabs which have sources, not just Events or Children tabs.

(changed) When doing a backup with pictures, if a picture is missing for a source, it has more options.

(22-Dec-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.6 are below)

(fixed) When adding a witness to an event, if you have the option set to add a note to the witness, it was putting the BK code number of the person twice in the note.

(changed) When doing a backup, if a picture was attached to a source, and the picture is not found, it will give a more detailed description of the error now.

(changed) If the option is set that generally the wife keeps her maiden name, then the Individual Timeline and the Witness list will check the alternate names to see if she has a current or married name to print.

(13-Dec-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.5 are below)

(fixed) Reasonableness report. If father died before child was born, it was usually allowing 9 months extra time, however it sometimes did not allow 9 months if the death date of the father had a single digit day that did not have a space before it.

(changed) Reasonableness report. There is a new option to have it ignore certain people. Press F1 for information while on that report.

(new) New utility under File, Utilities, Global Event Sort. It can sort events by date or type of event. This is useful if you do a Gedcom Import and the events were not in the correct order.

(fixed) The Picture Summary was not printing the heading for family pictures.

(26-Nov-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.4 are below)

(changed) If you pick Lists, and pick one of the Display options, then if you decide to print that list, there is an option to give a printed heading for the report.

(changed) Individual Timeline, option to show birth and marriage of grandparents.

(changed) When you are on Edit and show a Source or Event Note, it shows the BK code number of the person after the name.

(fixed) Fixed problem on the Tree chart, if you entered 1 for number of generations, the program stopped.

(21-Nov-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.3 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem when making Group sheets HTML files with details excluded for living people, it would sometimes put a wrong source footnote number after a person.

(changed) When running non-English version of BK, the Help, Technical Support screen will show separate buttons to email for English help or foreign help. The help button there links to help topic 56.

(15-Nov-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.2 are below)

(changed) Two more changes for the Individual Timeline report. The name of the file for editing has been changed from TIME4.DTA to BKTIME4.TXT so that your editor knows it is a text file. (See 6.3.1 below for more information.) Also a new item on the File menu that will let you edit the file directly using Notepad.

(13-Nov-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.1 are below)

(changed) Three changes so far for the Individual Timeline report. Duplicate events are removed.(caused by relationships such as having step-parents.) The lines can be longer now. (needed if also printing location names.) Note: for very long lines, you may need to print Landscape. And the user can make changes to the report before printing. To do that, first Preview the report. Then use WordPad to edit the TIME4.DTA (now BKTIME4.TXT) file in your data folder. Then return to the Individual Timeline screen and pick File, and pick an option to preview or print the TIME4.DTA (now BKTIME4.TXT) file with the changes. More improvements for the Individual Timeline are still being worked on.

(09-Nov-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.3.0 are below)

(new) Individual Timeline report under Other on the report menu.

(17-Oct-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.81 are below)

(new) Changes made for the translators for non-English versions. (New translations for Norwegian, Danish, and German on 20-Oct-2008)

(fixed) Fix bug in gedcom import if citation text or comments had multiple lines (not wrapped lines) with accented characters, the characters were not being converted correctly for lines two and following.

(changed) When printing a source footnote: if publisher is in parenthesis, then only follow it with a comma if the Page field is printed next. If actual text or comments are printed after publisher, then put . and not , before that field.

(changed) If there is an error loading Edit screen, it will say what the error is.

(24-Aug-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.80 are below)

(changed) The internal sort used for alphabetical lists can sort 160,000 names now.

(changed) Changed the width of columns on the grids on Edit for some wide screen monitors (to avoid scroll bar at bottom).

(changed) On Edit screen when rearranging order of spouses, it shows the Civil or Religious marriage date also.

(changed) Changed the way the Sources grid shows on some wide screen monitors (to avoid scroll bar at bottom).

(changed) Ahnentafel Book report, the option to 'Show which spouse produced which children' was not showing when printing children of ancestors.

(12-Jul-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.79 are below)

(new) This version allows you to remove some events from the drop down Events list. To do that go to File, Utilities, Limit events to show on Edit. Only remove events that you have not used and will not use.

(fixed) Fixed a problem when printing ancestor reports and the starting person had a BK code number larger than 1 million.

(fixed) On the Ancestor chart, when making RTF file, shorten names to avoid problems moving events too far right.

(changed) On the Options screen, if you pick Word it checks the folders Office12 and Office13 now.

(11-Jun-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.78 are below)

Some users of 6.2.76 and 6.2.77 had errors if they had the Memorial Service event on the Edit screen, so this new version fixes that error.

(fixed) Sometimes on Ancestor chart, File, Create RTF file, made the location names too short.

(fixed) Fix Overflow error on gedcom import if source Text or Comment is over 32,000 characters long.

(changed) Source grid screen is larger if screen is 800 by 600 or larger, bigger fonts, etc.

(05-Jun-2008 6.2.76 and 6.2.77 were changed see 6.2.78 above)

(25-May-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.75 are below)

(changed) Group sheet, if excluding data for living people and if first person printing has no dates, then check dates for the spouse, parents, and children to see if first person might be living.

(fixed) Gedcom import - increased picture file name length to be maximum of 120 characters long.

(changed) Norway version will print sb. for common law marriage on Descendant report.

(23-Apr-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.74 are below)

(changed) The report: Lists, Locations with Events has a new option to not show the BK code numbers.

(fixed) File, Utility, Global search and replace, Pictures, a change was made to help it change pictures attached to sources (might not have been working for everyone).

(changed) Other, Reasonable check, will ingore ending ) for a date. So if born date is (cir 1800) then ignore the ) at end so that it computes the correct age.

(changed) Gedcom export, if option is set to exclude data for living people, and if born and died are both blank for a person, then it looks at spouses, children, or parents birth date to make an extimate as to age of person.

(fixed) On the Indented Book report, if making an rtf file, the words (see children above) were being indexed, but should not have been.

(fixed) On the Indented Book report, if making an rtf file, and if picked the option for Henry numbers and No Indents it was still doing indents.

(changed) On some reports like the Tree and Box charts where you can press ALT+F5 to set the paper size, you can now also use ALT+SHIFT+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+F5 since ALT+F5 was not working on some computers.

(24-Feb-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.73 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a bug in 6.2.72 version where Edit was giving errors when adding new events.

(fixed) Sometimes the 'Convert date format' routine would not convert dates starting with a single digit.

(fixed) Birthday list was sometimes including people older than the computed age maximum that was set in Options.

(fixed) Fixed overflow error if making Register Book report and making RTF file and a person had a note with a single paragraph longer than 32,000 characters.

(23-Feb-2008 I am sorry that 6.2.72 had a bug on Edit screen - download newer version to fix bug.)

(12-Jan-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.71 are below)

(new) The first time a new user starts the program, if they have installed a language other than English, the program will ask what language they want to use.

(fixed) Fixed 'subscript out of range' error which happened sometimes when doing a register book with direct lineage while excluding data for living people.

(changed) Change the event 'home christening' to 'verify home christening'.

(02-Jan-2008 new items or items fixed by 6.2.70 are below)

(new) Added three new events on the Edit screen for Norway and Danish versions: Stadfesting (Home christening), Introduksjon (Churching of women), Jordfestet (Memorial service). For translators, those are Workfile lines 2987, 2988, 2989.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where after a gedcom import, you might get an error multiple times saying 'Problem, custom event list is full.

(new) New option for 1 column index, which might be helpful if your database has really long names, plus you are printing dates in the index.

(fixed) 6.2.70 fixes problems with 6.2.69 regarding Edit screen events.

(Some people reported some problems with 6.2.69 that was uploaded on 12-31-07, so that version has been replaced with 6.2.70. If you have 6.2.69 you should update to a newer version.)

(06-Dec-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.68 are below)

(new) Gedcom export of pictures attached to sources.

(fixed) Ctrl shortcut keys were not working for Event Notes.

(fixed) Edit screen was not showing the full BK code number if larger than 1 million.

(new) Gedcom export: if you pick 'Selected source fields' then new option to create a Title field for sources that do not already have one.

(24-Nov-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.67 are below)

(fixed) The previous version lets you jump from the List, Sources screen to the Edit screen, but that was not working correctly if you started on the Edit screen. This version fixes that problem.

(10-Nov-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.66 are below)

(changed) When you are on the screen for List, Sources, and you click the button to Show everyone connected to this source, it will now open a list box with the names, and you can double click any name to jump to the Edit screen for that person. If you want the old method of showing a Preview screen, then pick File from the top menu to get that option.

(new) When you are on the Names tab adding alternate names, there are two new names 'Called' and 'Indigenous name'. Called would be similar to 'also known as' or 'nickname' and you can use it to indicate the name the person was commonly called or commonly known as. If you want to change all of one type to another type, then use the File, Utility, Global search and replace routine.

(fixed) Fixed an 'Overflow' problem when making Group sheet HTML files and making over 32000 files at one time.

(fixed) When the program uses the 'tooltip' color (normally yellow) as a background, it now uses the 'tooltip' font color for the font. This prevents a problem of hard to read screens if you are using a different toottip color. When you are on the Edit screen and click Add Child or Add Spouse, you will see this color.

(changed) On the screen for List, Birthdays/Anniversaries, if you are showing ages, there is a new option to show age this year or next year.

(29-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.65 are below)

(changed) On the Global search and replace if you pick Picture path, it also fixes pictures attached to a Source.

(new) Word Search on "all events" tab, new option to search for picture file names or media file names.

(fixed) Word Search person - the "quality of source" box was not showing.

(fixed) Fixed a problem with Name Search. If you searched for John Steed* it was only matching last names with at least one additional letter.

(changed) Event Notes in Book reports, it used to put a comma before the note and no comma after. Now it puts no comma before and a comma after.

(25-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.64 are below)

(new) Direct Lineage option from Register Book Report and Indented Book.

(fixed) If you are editing a Note textbox and jump to another program and jump back to BK the cursor should stay in the Note textbox now.

(new) Option on the File, Options, RTF/Other to use symbols instead of B. M. D. Some counties use the symbols: star, daggar, and linked circles.

(19-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.63 are below)

(changed) On the screen for details for a Location, in the Notes box you can right click the mouse to get a menu for Cut, Copy, Paste.

(fixed) The Ancestor HTML routine would sometimes have an infinite loop.

(fixed) The Group sheet HTML would sometimes put the name of a person in the Title instead of Living.

(17-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.62 are below)

(changed) When making HTML files from Ancestor Chart it links to other ancestor charts and to group sheet file names in lower case now to help problem with certain web sites.

(fixed) Fixed a couple problems when using Central European script 238, and exporting a gedcom file.

(14-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.61 are below)

(changed) When making HTML files from Ancestor Chart it links to format.css in lower case now to help problem with certain web sites.

(new) Group Sheets HTML output has new option to make a Surname index (useful if you have a large index of over 2000 names.)

(11-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.60 are below)

(new) Can make HTML files from Ancestor Chart.

(new) Ancestor Chart has option to exclude data for living people.

(changed) On Group Sheet setup screen, moved option to 'omit blank events' higher to make visible for 'More Events' also.

(changed) When making HTML files for Group sheets, it will link to Ancestor Chart HTML files (if they exist.)

(03-Oct-2007 new items or items fixed by 6.2.59 are below)

(new) New option on Register book report at the bottom of the page setup tab. Option to NOT show superscript generation number after given name of main person or first child.

(new) The Ancestor Fan chart will print the infinity sign for 'married' for the German version (or any version that uses & for Married in language translation.)

(new) The Descendant report has new option to show Adopted, Step, etc. (Bottom of 'fields to include' - must be screen size larger than 640 by 480)

(fixed) On Register book report - it would not print "Next generation" when that option was set (problem was only when using English language version)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.58 are below)

(changed) Updated the Translation program for foreign language translators (see the translation page).

(changed) If the user adds the event 'never married' (which is designed for a single person) to a couple, the program suggests they change it to the 'not married' event (which is designed to stop the printing of the words 'husband' and 'wife'.)

(changed) Direct Lineage report now says 'Direct Lineage' in the heading of the printout.

(fixed) Direct Lineage report would sometimes not show which spouse was the parent of the child.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.57 are below)

The changes in this update only affect users that are printing reports with the option turned on to change the names of living people to 'Living'

(fixed) If the user requested a report with the names of living people changed to 'Living' then the names were 'Living' in the report, but the actual names showed in the index at the end.

(fixed) On Group sheets, when creating HTML files, sometimes the names of living people would show in the Title for the page even when the name was changed to 'Living' on the data part of the page.

(changed) Changed the Descendant report and Register Book report and Group sheet report so that if the descendant is 'Living' and the birth date of the spouse is blank, it will now assume that the spouse is also 'Living'.

(changed) Changed the Group sheet report so that if either the Husband or Wife is 'Living' and the birth date of the child is blank, it will now assume that the child is also 'Living'.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.56 are below)

(new) Gedcom export - new option to pick which fields of the source to export.

(new) Indented Book Report - South Africa number system - new option for no indents.

(changed) Try to fix error when people double click a picture instead of single click.

(changed) If a Vista user gets an error 75 creating an Index, give directions about Vista administrator rights.

(fixed) If printing a huge picture that is over 5000 pixels tall, it would print too large on register book and overlap things below.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.55 are below)

(new) On the Gedcom Export there is a new option to select which notes to export. (Based on the Print Where column for the note.)

(new) On the Indented Book Report, in addition to the Henry numbers, there is a new option for the South Africa number system. In that system the first person is A1 and his children are B1 and B2 and so on. And when the surname changes the numbers get [ ] around them.

(fixed) Hopefully have fixed a problem where some Vista users got error when trying to open a .wav file from the Media tab on Edit.

(fixed) On custom lists, when you pick field 71 for first note line, it was sometimes printing more than one line if the first line was short.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.54 are below)

(fixed) The new report: List, People with secondary parents, could have a VBRig error if your database had over 32,400 names. This error has been fixed now.

(changed) In the past, if you were changing an existing location on the Edit screen, so that the spelling was the same, but the Upper or lower case was different, it would tell you how to make the change from the main screen with File, Locations, Change Globally. Now, in this version it will let you make that type of change directly from the Edit screen (avoiding the extra step).

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.53 are below)

(changed) On the Individual report, it now is set to not show the marriage or family events on Fields to Include (since those events do not print on that report) Use the Group sheet report for those events.

(new) List, People with secondary parents. This will show everyone with two sets of parents. This new report shows on the main screen under Lists, and also on Edit under Reports, Lists if you have the version downloaded after 07-Aug-2007

(fixed) On the Register Book report, if you have it set to not print birth dates, it will not print them for the Children also.

(changed) For first time users, it will set "C:\Brother's Keeper 6\Data" as the default data folder (since some Vista users have problems when data is under C:\Program files )

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.52 are below)

(changed) Some changes made a few weeks ago in version 6.2.50 regarding the Edit screen size have been modified in this version so that people with Windows screen size set to 800 by 600 will not have a small font size on Edit. The changes made in version 6.2.50 were not working correctly for users with that screen size setting.

(new) New option on File, Options, Other to set the program to start with screen size 1024 by 768 or set it to start at a custom screen size.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.51 are below)

(new) On Word Search screen new tab to search for blank or missing events.

(changed) On Select Person screen, the Alternate names can be searched with ? and * like the regular names.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.50 are below)

(changed) Made some changes to help with wide format screens.

(changed) If a Vista user does not set Administrator rights, it should give directions if the sort fails.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.49 are below)

(new) On Group Sheet when making HTML files, new options to make it so when you click the picture it can show the picture full size.

(changed) On Gedcom Export, if a person has a divorce event with no date, it will now create an DIV tag for Divorced.

(changed) On Quality Check, it catches more errors related to missing locations.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.48 are below)

(new) You can export/import latitude and longitude to/from gedcom files. The latitude and longitude fields are extra fields for each location when you double click a location name on the Edit screen.

(fixed) In addition to the fix below in 6.2.47 for alphabetical listing, it also fixes the problem if the husband has an alternate name and the wife has only the first name.

(fixed) The French translation now has "Evenement" instead of "Inventaire Apres Deces". If you want "Inventaire Apres Deces" then add it as a custom event name.

(fixed) Fixed a bug regarding making a Register book with pictures and sending it to an RTF file for Word. In the special case where you have a child that has a picture, but has no events, you would sometimes get an error loading the RTF into Word that said "the document name or path is not valid."

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.47 are below)

(fixed) If making an alphabetical listing which included married names for women, it would sometimes omit the first letter of the wife's first name (if the wife's name field did not have a last name or maiden name included).

(fixed) Sometimes when deleting an event for a person, the event would still show when returning to the Edit screen the next time. (An error message would say that two events were trying to use the same line.)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.46 are below)

(changed) If you are doing File, Utilities, Find BK6 Database, it will now skip the searching of the C:\Windows\ folder because with Vista, the routine seems to hang there.

(fixed) If you were on Edit and you changed information for a person, and then deleted the spouse, the changes were sometimes not saved.

(fixed) Fixed problem in Backup where if asked to backup Text and Media but not Pictures, the Media was not being backed up.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.45 are below)

(changed) Help files (for Vista) for English, Danish, Norwegian, German, French (Canadian)

(new) New utility to search and replace text in Notes (it does not show on the menu yet since still testing it, but if you need to do that, contact John Steed)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.44 are below)

(changed) On the Register Book report, there is a new option on the Lineage back to have only the first name of the ancestor shown. This is how it was up until about a year ago when it was changed to show the full name of an ancestor if the ancestor had a different last name.

(changed) I am using a new computer to build the install programs, so if the install program does not work correctly, or does not install all the files needed to run BK6, send a message to John Steed.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.43 are below)

(changed) This version uses a help file in the English version compatible with Windows Vista.

(new) On the Source Edit screen, new menu item to turn on option to always show button to add picture/file to a source.

(changed) On the Source Edit screen, you can add other types of files to a source, not just Picture files (You can add other media files or pdf files or HTML link for example.)

(fixed) Fixed a problem on the Utility to Flag people where if you selected "Ancestors and Family of Ancestors", it was not adding the family of the ancestors some times.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.42 are below)

(new) You can attach pictures to a source citation (look for button in bottom left corner).

(fixed) Fixed a problem when making RTF files (that was caused by a change in version 6.2.41).

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.41 are below)

(changed) Made a small change to try to stop a problem with Vista not keeping the registration number and password.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where the "source for a fact that a person was a child" was not included when making RTF files.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where sometimes on the Register Book report, the register number of the first ancestor was not correct when you had the "show lineage" option and the "show registration number before name" option set.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.40 are below)

(new) You can attach pictures to a master source

(changed) Larger font on some of the screens.

(new) Some additional information is exported to gedcom such as the mailing list selections (Birthday, Christmas, etc. check boxes).

(new) Added button "click here to attach existing file" to Location Details Note tab.

(fixed) Sometimes on the group sheets, the alternate name of a person would print when you asked for names to be changed to "living".

(fixed) When you double clicked the text box when viewing an Event Note it was not making the text box larger.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.39 are below)

(fixed) Version 6.2.38 had a problem printing To Do lists that contained field 31.

(new) Gedcom Export new option to select which events to export.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.38 are below)

(changed) Updated translations for Danish, Norwegian, Dutch on 04-Feb-2007.

(changed) Will print 'adopted' instead of 'adoptive'.

(new) New translation program with new lines for the translators.

(new) On the Select Person screen, it will show if the person has been flagged as part of groups 1 - 5.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.37 are below)

(fixed) The Unlinked Branches report would sometimes give too small of a number for the number of people in a group.

(changed) If a Gedcom import reads an Occupation with both a description and location, it will add the location to the end of the description.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.36 are below)

(new) On the List, Locations with Events, you can now pick All Events or one event.

(new) On the Missing Information Report, you can now pick an additional event of your choice.

(new) In the German version or any version that used "&" for married, it will show the infinity sign on several reports.

(changed) On the Change Locations Globally screen, if a location that is being removed had a Note attached, it is moved to the remaining location.

(new) On the Global Search and Replace screen, there is a new line for the Other events (those with descriptions instead of locations) such as Religion or Education.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.35 are below)

(new) On Group Sheets, if doing a Range of numbers, new options for Male at top of page or Female at top of page.

(new) On Register Book and Indented Book reports, new option to show if children were Adopted, Step, or Foster. (The words will only print if the descendant has that relationship to the child, not the spouse of the descendant.)

(new) On the Preview screen, you can pick File, Copy current page to file (metafile/picture).

(fixed) On the Change Locations Globally screen, it did not have the correct language script (character set).

(fixed) On the Select Person screen, if you had the option set for Alternate Names, it was not finding alternate names if the last name was over 5 characters long and you typed ? for the first name.

(fixed) If you did a Reference Number Display and double clicked on a name to jump to Edit, it was not working if over 500 names on the list.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.34 are below)

(changed) When you display one picture (by clicking on it from Edit) it will automatically resize the picture if it is larger than the screen size. (There is an option to turn this feature off on the Options screen from the main File menu.) Note to translators, this option is workfile record number 3553

(fixed) Fixed an error that sometimes happened on Word Search if you were doing an Any Field search of Both files at the same time.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.33 are below)

(changed) This version and the updated translation program will enable translators to update for the Flag utility and the Unlinked Branches routine.

(changed) When doing the Reference Number Display and double clicking a person to jump to Edit, you can Close Edit to return to the display.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.32 are below)

(fixed) On the Unlinked Branches report, if you clicked Preview, and then from the preview picked File, Print it was not printing the correct report.

(fixed) On the Edit screen, if a father had flags (see 6.2.31 below) and you clicked Add Child, the child would have the same flags.

(changed) Some other programs make gedcom files that are missing the tag FAMC even though there are children attached to families. This version will still connect those children when importing.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.31 are below)

(new) New report to find all Unlinked Branches. Pick Other, Unlinked Branches.

(new) New utility to flag a group of people. You can flag all your ancestors or all your descendants and then see a special flag for them any time you view them on the Edit screen. Pick File, Utilities, Flag group of people.

(new) New option for maximum age to show on edit and group sheets. Go to File, Option. Before this option, the program would not show the Age of a person if they were over 125.

(new) New on graphic chart: Age (still living).

(fixed) The missing information report was not counting Married (civil) and Married (religious).

(changed) File, Location, change globally - if changing 2 locations to one new one, and one has extra fields like latitude or city field, then try to save the one with most details instead of losing that extra information.

(new) Edit screen, Notes tab, after you click Add File a new button above textbox to "Create file and open with Word".

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.30 are below)

(changed) The Options file is longer now, and it can hold longer path names for Word or Word Perfect.

(fixed) Gedcom export, if the last word in the name was not the last name, and if the Last Name field did not have the same case (upper/lower case) as the Name field, it sometimes did not correctly mark the last name.

(fixed) Word Search, Any Field, if also searching Notes (event notes), it would read first Occupation, but not second Occupation for same person.

(new) Word search, Any Field, new opton to search both person and marriage files with same search. (Translators use workfile line 1808)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.29 are below)

(changed) Added some new things to the Ancestor Fan Chart such as Save Options, and 6 generation printout, and Bold Print of names works now.

(new) There is a new translation program available.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.28 are below)

(new) New report - Ancestor Fan Chart. This prints ancestors in a fan shape or arc shape. This version will print five generations and works best in Landscape mode.

(new) On Group Sheets, there is a new option to print all pictures for each person instead of just one picture.

(new) On Picture Summary you can Display all pictures for one person.

(new) On the Ancestor Box Chart, there is a new option to print one one large piece of paper instead if in two long strips or multiple pages.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.27 are below)

(fixed) The version on 11-Nov-2006 created a problem where you could not add a second textfile to a person. This version 6.2.27 fixed that.

(new) On Compute Relationship report, new option to show birth and death dates.

(changed) On Restore, if you pick a different drive and it does not find the backup data, there is a new option to search that entire drive to find the backup data.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.26 are below)

(changed) The Descendant report has a new option to show which spouse produced which children.

(fixed) On Group sheet, prevent source footnote numbers, or 'see note' from overlapping picture.

(changed) On Group sheet with option for children compressed, do not print 'died' heading if option is set to omit blank dates.

(fixed) On Family Edit screen, it was sometimes not erasing the Divorce event and it was sometimes not showing dates for children.

(new report) On the Other menu is Individual report (like Group sheets, except Individual report does not show spouse or children.)

(fixed) Fixed a problem if you changed a note from Individual to Family and then edited the note at the same time.

(fixed) Sometimes on Register Book report, if printing Basic events only, it was not ending each person with a period.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.25 are below)

(fixed) The Palm database routine was giving an error if over 32,000 people.

(fixed) Family Edit, show Christened and show Age for children.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.24 are below)

(new) On the File, Utilities menu is a new item to create a Palm handheld computer database.

(fixed) On the Select Person screen the 6.2.23 version had a bug where a button was incorrectly showing while Options were displayed.

(changed) Family Edit, show Christened if Baptized is blank.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.23 are below)

(new) On the Select Person screen, there is a new option to also search Alternate Names.

(changed) On the main Welcome screen, there are 5 additional lines of information for new users.

A new Translation program update is available for the translators.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.22 are below)

(new) On the Edit screen if you change the name of an existing person, it will ask you to confirm that you want to make that change. You can turn off that feature if you pick Options at the bottom right.

(fixed) The 6.2.21 version had a bug when you blanked out an existing occupation description, it would say "invalid use of null".

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.21 are below)

(new) On the Edit screen press F12 to jump to Family Edit screen (for BK5 users that liked the Family Edit Screen layout) 29-Oct-2006 made some changes for foreign languages.

(changed) Can use = for any location or any decription to repeat what it was for the previously viewed person.

(fixed) On gedcom export if foreign language and if single digit date, it was sometimes not converting month to English.

(fixed) Fixed error "invalid use of null" if you are on the "To do" tab and you only add a Note then move to another person while the description and other fields are blank.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.20 are below)

(new) In the Other, Picture summary routine, new option to print all pictures attached to one person.

(changed) The Edit screen will issue a warning if you enter a location that is too long for the field size.

(fixed) On the regular Descendant report, output to TXT file, the Notes did not line up correctly if some lines were short and some were paragraphs.

(fixed) In the Utility that puts the BK code number into the Ref field, it was not replacing what was already in the Ref field when that option was selected.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.19 are below)

(fixed) Lists, Todo Search/Report was not matching Priority = Low.

(fixed) Fix numbers in columns 6 and 7 of 7 generation ancestor chart if first person not number 1.

(fixed) In Gedcom export have first REPO line be 1 NAME not 1 ADDR.

(changed) If error in Edit about bad picture sequence (invalid line number) then it will try to fix it.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.18 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem in the 6.2.17 version in the Quality check where an Overflow error could occur sometimes with a very large database.

(changed) If you pick the option to select only certain Notes to print on the Book reports or the Group sheets, and if you ask for Event Notes also, then it will also print the Event notes that match the same selection.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.17 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem where if a person had more than one spouse, and if you had a Family Note attached to one couple, then you changed to another spouse and added another Note, it would sometimes duplicate the same Note for both spouses.

(changed) The Backup routine will also work with Windows XP Brazilian version.

(fixed) Sometimes on the Book reports, in the Norwegian version, if a couple was set up with a Common Law marriage, it would print the word "med" twice.

(fixed) When printing the Ahnentafel Book report, if you selected the option to have Notes printed with a blank line before and after each note, it was printing too many blank lines after.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.16 are below)

(fixed) Register Modified NGSQ Report - the generation number after given name is italic when Printing from BK - was that way only if creating RTF from 10-25-05 until now.

(fixed) Under certain conditions when printing Group sheets with pictures and notes, sometimes there would be a large space before the start of the notes.

(fixed) Global search and replace Media files, was not working for Family Media files.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.15 are below)

(changed) Show Christened date and place on Missing information report.

(changed) Allow right mouse click in Todo text box to cut, copy, paste.

(fixed) Switch two lines on Options screen about Media files (lines 1 and 3 were reversed)

(changed) If you delete (blank out) a ToDo internal note it will now remove the pointer to the blank note so it will not print an extra blank line on todo report.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.14 are below)

(new) Two versions of Norwegian language included.

(new) Turns off Read Only for file bkfixfle.sav (if it was read only.)

(fixed) Fix illegal function call 5 in createHTM3 if text file ended with invalid characters.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.13 are below)

(new) On the Edit screen, if a person has more than one spouse, you can pick from the top menu Edit, Set this spouse as primary, and then that spouse will show first anytime you show the top person.

(changed) If you have the Swedish version of Windows XP, the Backup routine should work correctly now.

(fixed) If you had a backup on C:\ and you were trying to restore from C:\ it was not finding the backup in that location.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.12 are below)

(changed) If you do a Word Search on the Event tab, you can search certain fields such as Divorced and No Children even when the date and location fields are blank

(changed) If you are entering a Note on the To Do tab, and you change tabs before saving the Note, it will not be lost when you come back to the To Do tab.

(changed) If you are entering a Note on the To Do tab, and you save the note, but the entire grid line is blank, and you move to another person without entering anything in the grid, the note will not be lost.

(fixed) The 10 March 2005 fix (about Divorce printing on Group sheets when the couple is Not Married) in BK 6.1 was not fixed in BK 6.2 until now.

(fixed) If you have the option set to show a Note for a Witness, the spouse name in the note was sometimes wrong when there was more than one spouse.

(changed) Add *.GIF to the picture list (if gif is not working, download after 01-01-2006 and install again)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.11 are below)

(changed) If you do a Word Search for Person or for Any Field, it will also search the Sort Name field.

(new) Button to print one label from the address tab on Edit (looks for DYMO printer, but may work for other printers also).

(fixed) In the note text box on the Todo tab, the menu item Edit, Cut was not working (it kept saiding 'click edit button above text').

(fixed) Custom print, field 67 for spouse last name first, if you also picked 99 it was only doing first spouse last name first and the rest were regular.

(new) Descendant Report, Group Sheet, Book reports option to change name to 'Living' (for translators, it is workfile line 4683.)

(changed) Register Book says 'Generation Two' instead of 'Second Generation' and prints it in italic not bold.

(new) Register Book, option for children names in all small caps . 2 points smaller upper case.

(new) Program can show .gif images.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.10 are below)

(fixed) One of the changes from 6.2.9 was not working correctly. The generation number of the first child was not correct in cases where the child had no children.

(changed) Made some more changes for NGSQ option for Register report. When showing the lineage, it shows the surname of the immediately preceding ancestor where the surnames are different. It prints a . (period) after roman numberals and does not print a . (period) after registration numbers for the children. The children names are not printed in bold (there is an option to make them that way if you still prefer.) The superscript generation number after the given name is in italic, if NGSQ option is selected and if you output to RTF file. (It is not italic for preview or direct printing currently.) These changes are to make the report more closely conform to the NGSQ standards. There will be a few more changes for the NGSQ report also.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.9 are below)

(changed) Gedcom export now includes the date of last change for each person.

(changed) When making a Book report with pictures and exporting to an RTF file for Word, the name of the picture is not included in the text box because sometimes it would show below the picture.

(fixed) Fixed a problem when using the Ref Number report and selecting Paragraph for the field and exporting to RTF file.

(changed) Made some changes for NGSQ option for Register report. It now puts the generation number of each descendant after the given names, and also after the given names of the first child of each descendant. And there is an option to turn off the register number that is before the names in the Lineage section (after each descendant).

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.8 are below)

(changed) If you are printing a report and excluding data for living people, the pictures for living people will be excluded also.

(changed) The 'Locations with Events' report, can handle over 32000 locations now.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.7 are below)

(changed) For the foreign language translators. (Translators need this version and also the new WORD6SET.EXE file on the translation page.)

(changed) This compile contains 6.2 translations for Danish, German, BEFrench, Dutch, Dutch2, Afrikaans.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.6 are below)

(changed) The main change in this version is for the foreign language translators.

(note) Note, the 6.2.6 update does NOT contain the new foreign translations for 6.2 yet. The next update will contains some new translations.

(changed) Also a change regarding a problem in Book reports with an extra blank line below notes when using BASIC events only.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.5 are below)

(changed) The main change in this version is for the foreign language translators. Translators can now start the translation for the 6.2 changes. When the translations are ready, they will be included in the next update. (Translators need this version and also the new WORD6SET.EXE file on the translation page.)

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.4 are below)

(changed) On Book reports, if an event date and location are blank, but it has a source attached, it will print the event name and source.

(changed) On Book reports, a change was made in version 6.2.1 to print a blank line after notes of one spouse before printing another spouse (in certain circumstances). This has been further modified in version 6.2.4 to not print that extra blank line if the children are printed after the note instead of another spouse being printed. This change was made to fix a problem of an extra blank line in some situations.

(fixed) When viewing a list of names, if the bottom line says "click here for more" it will not give an error now if you accidentally double click it.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.3 are below)

(new) When you click on a picture on Edit to display it full screen, you can pick File, Reduce to 1024 by 768 if the picture is larger than that.

(fixed) Sometimes the pictures would not print on the Compute Relationship Box Chart even if picture option was turned on for Box Charts.

(fixed) Sometimes pictures for Compute Relationship Box Chart were slightly outside the boxes.

(fixed) The new feature in 6.2.2 to put both husband and wife name in note of witness was not working correctly if you added two or more witnesses in the same session.

(fixed) Sometimes if an event had a normal date, and then you modified the date to be over 20 characters long, it would disconnect a source for that event.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.2 are below)

(new) On File, Utility, Global search and replace, you can globally change the Media path name

(new) Add Email line to address line for submitter information on Gedcom Export.

(new) On Edit if you enter a Media or Picture file name where the path and file name are over 150 characters long, it gives a warning.

(changed) If you add a Witness to a marriage event, the Note that is added to the witness includes the names of both the husband and wife.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where an error occurred if you clicked the mouse near the left side of a blank Media grid.

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.1 are below)

(new) On Edit screen, you can click Options button (on events tab) to turn on option to have a double click of a sibling change to the Events tab.

(changed) When printing a Register Book report, if you do not have the option turned on to print separate paragraphs for husband and wife, but you do have the option turned on to print a new line or a blank line before the Notes for the descendant or the spouse, it now will also print a new line or blank line after the notes.

(changed) On the Tree chart, if you are printing only the year for born, died and married, the columns are slightly wider now to avoid a problem where a long spouse name might not quite fit.

(fixed) Made some changes to try to avoid possible overflow error in module footTnote

(new items or items fixed by 6.2.0 are below)

(new) BK Version 6.2 has 2 new tabs on the Edit screen. One tab is for Media files (so you can attach sound and video files, and also have links to email and html pages. The other new tab is for To Do items or Research items. You can enter things you want to do regarding each person

(new) There is also a General To Do list on the main screen File menu.

(new) To print the To Do list, pick Lists, To Do Search/Report

(new) The new < > buttons at the top of the Edit screen are Back and Forward buttons. So if you browse and pick Father, Father, Father, you can pick < three times to go back to the first person you started with. 

(new) The Edit screen will keep the current tab when changing people. (So if you are on the Pictures tab, and you click the Spouse button, it shows the pictures for that person instead of changing back to the Events tab.)

(new) The program creates a file called BKFIXFLE.SAV to help recover data in case of damaged to the database.

(new) On Gedcom Export you can change the name of living people to "living" so the actual name does not export.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.40 are below)

(fixed) If you added a source and set the Scope to Date only or Location only, the next source you added would have the same scope also.

(changed) On the report List, Sources, show everyone this source is attached to, when the Preview was showing, if you picked File, Print it would print the wrong report. Now it says to pick File, Print Current Page instead.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.39 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem where under certain conditions, the Register Book or Ahnentafel Book report might say "children" instead of "children by …"

(fixed) When making an RTF output file for the Register Book, if the option was set for Born date only (after the name in the RTF index) it would sometimes not show the birth location for the spouse in the report.

(fixed) The Count of Descendants report would sometimes add a generation 98 when there should not be one.

(fixed) The Gedcom Export would sometimes put an extra space before a comma when writing a name like John Smith, Jr.

(fixed) If you had the printer paper size set to Legal and you did a Preview of a report, it would sometimes remain as Letter size paper on the Preview screen.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.38 are below)

(fixed) If printing a Group sheet with pictures, and the family had only one parent, it would sometimes print the wrong picture for one of the children.

(fixed) If printing a Group sheet with the option set for the "new events" and if a couple had the "not married" event, it was printing "Ceremony N" the way it would if you were printing only "Basic Events" so now it prints "not married"

(fixed) On the Edit screen, if you were sorting children by date, it would incorrectly put a child at the top if the birth date had a day of __ as in: __ May 1954

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.37 are below)

(fixed) 08 March 2005. If printing a Register Book report of Only male or Only female, it would cause error 6 overflow.

(fixed) 08 March 2005. Fixed an error 340 that happened on the Convert Date routine if you were using the new date options for lowercase dates and 0 before days less than 10.

(changed) The Book reports will print the events in the same order as they appear on the Edit screen now. Before it was printing all the Events (things with locations) followed by all the Others (things with descriptions). This also fixes a problem if there were 2 or more Other events with Witnesses.

(fixed) If printing a Register Book report and option was set to exclude data for living, then if a person had 2 or more spouses, sometimes the data for the second spouse was not printing even if that spouse was not living.

(fixed) If you were using one of the two new date options (lower case with leading 0 or upper case without leading 0) then an error was happening if you tried to run the Convert Date routine.

(new) The Readme6.doc file is now a Readme6.rtf file because Wordpad in Win XP can not open a doc file from Windows 98.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.36 are below)

(fixed) First time users of BK6 were shown on the Group sheets that it would print all new events, but it was only printing Basic events (unless they clicked the button for Basic event, and then back to New Events.)

07-Feb-2005 new language translations for Norwegian, Danish, German, French European, Dutch

If you have the option set to ask if you want a Backup when you stop BK then it now has 3 options of Backup, Stop, or Cancel (not stop).

If you were printing an Ahnentafel report with siblings, it was not showing the correct information for spouse name if there was a "not entered" spouse.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.35 are below)

(changed) If importing a gedcom file that contains an invalid1character line, it will continue instead of stopping with an illegal function call error.

(fixed) If doing custom list with field for paragraph 86 87 88 and you ask for New Events (on Register), and ask for Event Note or Witnesses, it was previously only printing Basic events with no Event Notes and no Witnesses

(fixed) Fixed problem if you had over 30 general sources for one person or over 30 sources for one event

(fixed) Fixed a problem on gedcom export if a source had an invalid Repository number

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.34 are below)

(changed) The 04 Dec 2004 update gives more details about how to fix a problem, if you run Quality Check and happen to have the problem of two family events trying to use the same line on the Edit screen.

(changed) The 04 Dec 2004 update fixes a problem when importing a gedcom file made by TMG program that contains picture names.

The rest of the 6.1.34 changes below were also in the 20 Nov 2004 version.

(fixed) The 16 Nov 2004 update had a bug in the Compute Relationship routine when you picked Preview or Print. This 20 Nov 2004 update fixes that problem. If you pick Help, About BK and have the 16 Nov 2004 version, then you would need this update.

(new) Option to print Witnesses on the Group sheet, and Register, Indented, Ahnentafel Book reports.

(fixed) On the Compute Relationship routine, sometimes if a person had over 20 generations of ancestors, it would not find a close relationship.

(new) When you Restore a database from a backup CD it will turn off the Read Only file attribute for the files.

(fixed) On Word Search, Any Field, it would sometimes not match an Event Note if the match was the first character in the note.

(changed) The default is for the new events, and not just basic events when you first go to the Group sheet or Book report screens.

(changed) On gedcom export and import BK now also uses the tag "1 _MSTAT Partners" for unmarried Partners to be FTM compatible.

(fixed) If adding general source to new person, it did not say "has general source" if you did a location search previously.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.33 are below)

(fixed) On gedcom export, if a couple has the Not Married event, it will now export the _NMR tag

(changed) When using the Compute Relationship routine, it can now search up to 16000 ancestors instead of 8000

(Translators can change workfile line 2202 to say 16000 and 60 generations)

(changed) The Collapsed Ancestor chart can now show up to 10000 ancestors instead of 5000

(changed) When you click the N column to go to Event Notes, it will use the same background color that you set on the regular Notes option.

(fixed) Fixed a problem if exporting Witnesses on a database with over 50,000 people

(fixed) The foreign language translations were showing S instead of the correct letter for Source on the Witnesses grid

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.32 are below)

(fixed) On numeric or alphabetical list, if used field 99 all spouses, the spacing of columns could be wrong for "custom events"

(fixed) On Book report, if making RTF file, and born and died in index, and excluding data for living people, a born location was printing after spouse

(fixed) The words "has family source" were not erased and not redisplayed if changing spouses

(changed) If adding to an internal note, and you type over 22,000 characters, when it saves, it will save the rest of the note to the Clipboard

(fixed) Gedcom Export, if a note had only CR without LF, it sometimes caused error 5 Illegal Function Call

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.31 are below)

(fixed) The fields "never married" "not living" "no children" were not printing on Book reports if they were blank

(fixed) Fixed an "overflow" error that happened sometimes when making an Unconnected people list.

(fixed) Fixed a problem that happened sometimes if doing a Convert from BK5 to BK6 and there was a J in the Ceremony field and that field had a source. (Norwegian)

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.30 are below)

(fixed) Fixed problem with notes in Gedcom Export in 16 April 2004 version only

(new) option on birthday/anniversary list for Year instead of Age

(new) 2 new Options for dates with lower case month with 0 or upper case without 0

(fixed) On custom list, if field number 301 or higher, it caused error 9 subscript out of range (if over 13 custom events)

(fixed) If using the Spanish version of Win XP the backup should work correctly now.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.29 are below)

(new) On the Group sheets, when making html files, the background works for Notes and Index also

(fixed) Fixed a problem where sometimes when doing a Word Search Alpha custom report with paragraph, the RTF file would not open in Word.

(new) Gedcom can export and import Witnesses and Witness sources. However, I will be doing more work soon to help BK be able to read Witnesses from other genealogy program gedcom files (there is not a lot of consistency in the way it is done yet)

(fixed) Fix gedcom import reading 6 CONC and 5 CONC when source citation is attached to a 2 NICK name.

(fixed) Fix gedcom import - source citation was only looking for 5 CONT not 4 CONT when reading a source citation for a general source for person.

(fixed) On Edit when click Add individual, it did not delete "has name source" and "has general source" if it was showing from previous person.

(fixed) On the new utility, global ref change, you could only do it one time, then you had to stop the program before running the routine again.

 (new items or items fixed by 6.1.28 are below)

(new) On reports that have a "Start With" page option, there is now a "Stop At" page option. (Note to translators, this is line 1348 in workfile)

(new) There is a new option on the Book reports to show the Event Notes directly after the event instead of only as a footnote.

(new) Now when you add a person as a Witness, it will add a Note to the Witness to show what event that witness is attached to. This will help if you find someone in your database that is not connected to anyone else and do not remember why that person is in the database.

(new) On the List, Sources screen, there is a new button to show every person a certain source is attached to.

(new) Under File, Utilities, there is a new routine for Ref Num global change. This includes the option to move the BK number to either the Ref Num field or to the Description event (in case you are making a gedcom file and want the BK number to be shown somewhere in another program.)

(fixed) On the Book reports, if location ended with period, and had source attached, sometimes it would put a space before source superscipt number.

(fixed) Sometimes printing the last name first in the Custom List report did not show the last name if the name was over 30 characters long and the Last Name field was used (for a multi-part last name.)

(fixed) Sometimes on the HTML Group Sheets, the link to Other Spouse was wrong if the other spouse was "not entered"

(changed) On Windows XP computers, the Notes box could not show Czech characters correctly. That is fixed now, but only on the Notes tab and not on the Event Notes screen yet.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.27 are below)

(changed) On the report for places with events, it will also show civil marriage and religious marriage along with regular marriage

(changed) On List, alpha display or numeric display if you double click a name to go to Edit, it now returns to the list screen when you close Edit

(new) It prints family notes on Group Sheets

(new) If you have Notes attached to Pictures, those notes are exported to gedcom and imported from gedcom.

(new) Prints source that person is a Child of parents on Group, and Register and Indented reports (that is the source that shows on the Children grid on the Edit screen)

(new) Prints source and notes for alternate names on group and book reports

(new) Sets the language for RTF files so that spell check in Word loads correct dictionary

(fixed) Collapsed ancestor was not saying "see generation x" if you asked for no duplicate cousins

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.26 are below)

(new) On Gedcom Export you can pick which people to include in the gedcom (instead of everyone)

(changed) On the Picture Summary for pictures attached to people, it now has buttons for More and Cancel instead of a pop-up window

(fixed) Fix 'device unavailable' error on Group Sheet if no C drive available on your computer.

(changed) When making RTF file, it leaves out \fcharset0 if using non-western script like Polish or Czech

(new) 7 generation ancestor chart (pick Options from top menu on ancestor chart). This option is either for large paper or very small printer fonts (4 point)

(changed) The option for ref num on ancestor chart is visible now and saves if you pick Save Option.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.25 are below)

(fixed) On Group sheet report if you picked All for children it would not print Event Notes for children, unless you also were also printing Sources.

(changed) Word RTF picture instructions about how to combine pictures instead of link pictures and change size of all pictures. (thanks Otto)

(changed) Convert date fields and picture path to Ansel when making gedcom file.

(changed) If you are using a foreign language and using a non-Western script font, the Edit screen shows the correct script on Names tab.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.24 are below)

(new) On the "unconnected people" display you can have it not include people that are witnesses to an event.

(new) New Utility to globally change prepositions for a location in events. For example, you can change IN to FROM for a certain location.

(changed) Edit shows longer fields if display is 1024 by 768 screen size.

(changed) Gedcom - does not give error 75 if the file bkparam.dta is read only or the file Submittr.BK is read only.

(changed) In help file, put more information about attaching pictures, and using the "print where" column and the "size" column for pictures.

(fixed) Fixed problem where if you did an anniversary report for Entire database, it would include couple if husband alive, but wife had died.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Group sheets with Pictures if the picture was near the bottom of the page, and the person had a lot of events, it would sometimes start a new page with a few events, then start another new page.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.23 are below)

(changed) Changed the relationship calculator to search 8000 ancestors instead of 4000 ancestors.

(changed) New language translations for German, Norwegian, and Danish.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where sometimes the italic title of a source was the wrong font size when making an RTF file

(fixed) Fixed an error that happened sometimes when making HTML group sheets for only one family if there were multiple spouses and you asked for Event Notes also.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.22 are below)

(fixed) Fixed some formatting problems when printing Ahnentafel Book with siblings and with pictures.

(new) On the Tree chart, if you have trouble selecting a larger paper size, press ALT+F5 and pick size of paper just before printing.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where sometimes when making Group sheet to HTML file an error occurred if only doing one family.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.21 are below)

(fixed) Sometimes the option to backup to CD for XP users was not working correctly. XP users should use this version or newer if they want to backup to CD.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.20 are below)

(fixed) The new option to show the divorce option even if blank is now saved if you pick Save Options.

(fixed) The "cause of death" field did not use Ansel characters in Gedcom.

(changed) If you are doing a Backup of over 20000 names, the default now is to not also backup external note files. This is because if a person is using a huge database like the "Grandma 4" database that has no external note files, the backup routine spent a lot of unnecessary time searching for note files. If your database is over 20,000 names and it does have external note files, then turn that option back on before doing the backup.

(changed) When making an RTF file with pictures, there are now 2 options on the RTF tab. One is to have the actual picture linked and the other option is to have a text box the size of the picture with the name of the picture there. After you load the RTF file into Word or Word Perfect, you should first save the file as a .DOC file or .WPD file and then continue working on the file.

(fixed) Made some more changes to help the S show up in the Source column the first time a source is added.

(changed) Made a change to help the Backup to CD when using Win XP for the Danish language.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.19 are below)

(new) Includes Event Notes in Group HTML files.

(new) Shows Religious or Civil marriage information for Children on Group sheet when printing the compressed option.

(new) Option to have Divorce event print even when blank on Book reports.

(fixed) Fix Overflow problem on Group sheets if there were long external text files when making HTML output.

(fixed) Sometimes a new feature (like printing children on the Ahnentafel Book) will cause a new bug, and I have fixed the "subscript out of range" error that happened if you picked the option for Children AND the option to show which spouse was the parent AND asked to exclude data for living people.

(new) When printing a Book report, if the note ends with ! or ? then it will not put a period after it.

(new) When exporting a Book report to RTF format, if you ask for Pictures, it will put the name of each picture in Hidden Text so you can View the hidden text in your word processor, then copy and paste the picture names when you Insert pictures. This is a test way of doing it, and look for a better solution in future versions. (see changes in 6.1.20 above)

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.18 are below)

(new) When viewing the list of existing master sources, it will show a check box for the parts of the source so you can see which parts are set for printing (without having to open the source screen to view the check boxes.)

(fixed) On Group sheet, if excluding data for living people, it was not showing parent names for second spouse.

(fixed) On Book reports, if doing Odd or Even pages only, and then if you turned off page numbers for the index, the page numbers stayed off for the next set of Odd or Even pages.

(fixed) If doing a Gedcom import, and if an event had a 2 NOTE followed by a 2 CONT line and then there was a 2 SOUR line, the source was not importing correctly.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.17 are below)

(new) When creating HTML files for Group sheets, there is an option for extention .HTML not just .HTM

(new) On the Event Note screen, it will show the person name also.

(fixed) When printing Event Notes, if there were several short lines in an internal textfile, it was not checking for bottom of page and not doing form feed.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.16 are below)

(fixed) On Book reports, the new option of having dates in the Index while making an RTF file would sometimes cause "born bp." to print before a baptism date for a child. The problem only happened if you had all 3 conditions, 1. dates in index. 2. making RTF file. 3. child had no birth date but did have baptism date.

(fixed) When making HTML Group sheets, if there are Notes, the paragraphs in the Notes will not be combined into one large paragraph now.

(new) When making HTML Group sheets, in addition to picking a background file, you can pick a background color if you know the correct hex number. If it starts with # then it is BGCOLOR instead of BACKGROUND file. For example: #0000CC is dark blue. And #FFFFe8 is the light yellow that is on the main screen of the BKWIN web site. More details about BGCOLOR will be given later, or you can search the web for information about BGCOLOR

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.15 are below)

(changed) Collapsed ancestor chart can now show 5000 people instead of 2500 at one time.

(new) There is a new option to print today’s date on Count of Descendants

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Gedcom import/export when names contained the foreign letters a and o with ~ over the letters

(changed) When you press F8 to jump to Location select, the list now has the focus - so down arrow moves to second location, not first

(changed) Word search "any field" will find Repository lines also

(changed) When viewing repository list, double click a repository to select it

(changed) Can print full paragraphs on List, Sources.

(fixed) Ahnentafel Book with Siblings - if you asked for only born, died for siblings, it was printing everything for siblings

(new) When making HTML files for Group sheets, there is an option to enter the name of a background file (background for each HTML page)

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.14 are below)

(new) On File, Options, Edit screen there is a new option to limit the number of matching names to 1000 at a time (instead of the normal 4000 at a time). This is to solve a problem where some computers have a problem or use up too much memory when trying to list 4000 in the listbox.

(new) On Edit if you are changing an event from something with a location to something with a description (like Occupation) it would disconnect any source attached to the old event. Now it gives a message and a chance to Cancel the change if you want to check out the source before deleting it.

(new) On the screen that shows one picture (when you click on a picture to show it) there is a new option to reduce large pictures to 800 by 600. (It still has the old option to reduce it to 640 by 480)

(fixed) On Custom Lists, if you typed 93 in for the field name and you did not double click on the 93 on the right, you would get an error "invalid use of null". Now you can type in 93 manually if you want without getting the error.


(fixed) On the Edit screen, if you pressed F8 for a location search and then pressed F6 to add a source, sometimes the S would not show up in the column. It did show the S if you clicked the S column with the mouse, but using F6 after F8 sometimes caused a problem.

(new) On Custom Lists, there is a field 77 which will show the Title for a person (from the Names tab on Edit). Also there is an opton to "show name titles" on the Book reports.

(fixed) On ahnentafel custom report if you clicked the up and down arrows for number of generations, it sometimes did not change the results for the report.

(new) On the Group sheets, it will print the individual events in the same order as you have them on the Edit screen. It used to print all Events, then all Other things (like occupation and religion) at the end.

(changed) On the Edit screen when it showed the Mother and Father name, if the name included the & character, that characters was not showing.

(fixed) When importing a gedcom file of over 30,000 people, the gauge on the screen was moving too slowly and way only at about 5% when done.

(fixed) When making an RTF book report, if a source footnote had text that included hard carriage returns, the carriage returns were not causing a new line.

(new) On Ancestor Chart multi-page, it did not allow for a starting number other than 1, but now it allows a different starting number.

(new) New option on Ahnentafel Book report to show Children of each ancestor.

(new) New option on Ancestor chart to show Children of each ancestor (however it may get too crowded in the last generation)

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.13 are below)

(fixed) On group sheet, if remarriage to same person (same couple remarries), "his age her age" was same as first marriage

(changed) The new Backup option for XP users should work OK for users of the English version of Windows, but may still need some work for users of non-English versions of Windows XP. If you can not get the new option to work, contact John Steed and we should be able to modify the program to get it to work for you.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.12 are below)

(fixed) Uses the tag 2 NICK instead of 1 NICK for nicknames in Gedcom export.

(fixed) Sometimes if you deleted a Witness, then added a Witness it showed a birth date from the first witness on the screen.

(new) Windows XP uses a different method for copying files to a CD-R so with this version, there is a new button on the Backup screen just for XP users. If it does not work correctly notify John Steed. What it should do when you click the new button is copy the files to a temporary folder that XP uses and then XP should notify you that you have files waiting to write to a CD. If you have XP and if the new button does not show up automatically, then press the F6 key on your keyboard while you are on the Backup screen. Do not try to use this new button if you do not have XP.

(changed) If you were getting the message "not using NTARRAY" because your database was over 500,000 names, then you should not get that message now.

(changed) On Gedcom export if you pick DOS character set it uses the tag 1 CHAR ASCII and not 1 CHAR IBMPC

(fixed) On Gedcom import, if the ID numbers in the gedcom file were over 15 characters long, it would sometimes cause an error.

(fixed) Sometimes on the Ancestor Box chart, it would show a wrong marriage date for the starting person

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.11 are below)

(new) To find all "Never Print" notes, use Word Search, Any Field, and press the F8 key and then select "Only never print notes". That will also find the Never Print notes even if the word to search for at the top is blank.

(new) On the File, Utility, Global search and replace screen there are two new items. One will let you change an event type. For example, you can change all events called Christened to Baptized. You could also change to a custom event name if you have been using a standard name and now want to use a custom name you have added on the Edit screen. The other new item on the search and replace screen is that you can change a Name type. There was a typo in BK 6.0 and one name was called "Formally known as". That has been changed to "Formal name" in this version. If you used that name type and intended it to be "Formerly known as", then you can use this global change routine to change it to that name type.

(fixed) The words "other spouse" showed in HTML group sheet only in English - now the translators can enter their translation into workfile line 3834

(fixed) Will export the "common law" marriage event to gedcom even if no date or location.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.10 are below)

(fixed) 07-Dec-2002 fixed a "Type Mismatch" error on Group Sheets that was in the 05-Dec-2002 version.

(new) You can add custom events on the Edit screen. To create a custom event, from the top menu pick Add, Custom Event and then it will be on the normal event list. When adding a custom event, be sure to spell it correctly (the way you want the event name to print on Group sheets and Book reports. This new feature is for registered users only.

(fixed) Fixed an "illegal function" error if the picture was too wide on the Book reports.

(fixed) Fixed an "overflow" error on Group sheets if it was a large database. The problem started with the new feature for printing Sources for Notes a couple versions ago.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where if you tried to jump to the Edit screen from the Alphabetical Display by double clicking, it did not work if you also had the option set to ask for a person when opening the Edit screen.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.9 are below)

(new) Some foreign language versions have been updated so there are less English words now. (Norwegian, Danish)

(new) There are 4 options now on the Book reports for the line that starts out "He/She married…."

(fixed) On the Edit screen, if you changed spouses, it did not always update the * on the Notes or Picture tab.

(new) Some screen colors were changed to stop a problem when using "High contrast black" color scheme.

(fixed) If you deleted a spouse, and there were children attached to those parents and those children had a S column source on the Child grid, that source will be removed now.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.8 are below)

26-Oct-02 Sometimes in Lists it would not print in Landscape

25-Oct-02 In Group sheet if Notes had a Source, sometimes it printed the source number after every paragraph.

24-Oct-02 Fixed error 9 on Group Sheets if sources for note for child

(fixed) On Group sheets you can print a Blank group sheet with selected events.

(new) On the Box chart, if you have a printer with large paper, then after setting paper size with File, Printer Setup, you can also press ALT+F5 to enter a paper size and the routine will then make each section that size.

(new) On Picture Summary, there is a new top menu with options (currently English only)

(fixed) Fixed a problem if you were using Word Search to find people and then adding Notes to a person then returning to Word Search and adding note s to other people. The notes could link to the wrong person. Quality check will find if that has happened in the past.

(fixed) Quality check will find problems if two people are linked to the same Internal Textfile

(fixed) On the Alphabetical Display, if you pick File, Print it will put the last name first

(fixed) On Gedcom Export, if an event is blank but it has an Event Note, it will still export the event and note

(new) Added Sources for Notes on the Group sheet

(new) If Restore finds two different types of backup files on your backup diskette (regular and compressed), it will let you pick which to restore.

(new) New option on RTF tab to have born or born/died dates after the names in the index. (currently English only)

(fixed) On Gedcom Import if an event had a dual date (like between x and y), and the next event had no date, it picked up the previous date.

(fixed) On book reports if printing alternate names, it will print "Hebrew name" and not "hebrew name"

(fixed) When making HTML Group sheets, if you are excluding data for living people, it will still link to the parents of a person.

(fixed) Fixed (I think) where Ahnentafel would sometimes start with very large numbers the second time a report was run.

(fixed) Fixed a problem where on the Indented report, if you were Excluding data for living people, it would sometimes print a spouse name twice.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.7 are below)

(fixed) Fixed a problem with spacing after the heading if making Paragraphs from Custom List screen and picking RTF output.

(fixed) Fixed a problem when making RTF files for Word Perfect 7

(fixed) Fixed a problem with Group sheets when printing All data for children with the new events, it would sometimes not do a correct form feed.

(fixed) Fixed a problem in Gedcom Export with two part last names starting with Le

(fixed) Fixed some Gedcom Import problems when reading a file from Family Treasures.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.6 are below)

(fixed) If you used the new option in 6.1.5 on the Register Book Report for all events without separate paragraphs, and if you did not ask for Modified Register Report then it would print only odd numbers for people like 1, 3, 5, 7. This is fixed in 6.1.6 version.

(fixed) Fixed a problem on Group sheet HTML output (regarding the link from unmarried children).

(fixed) Word search Any Field also searches the mailing address fields now.

(fixed) The Direct Lineage report (Descendants) sometimes would only find the direct lineage relationship for 40 generations instead of up to 60.

(fixed) Under some circumstances, making an RTF Book report would give an error 5.

(fixed) If you are using a screen font with Eastern European script, it shows better on the Tree and Box displays.

(fixed) Making an RTF output Book report with Endnotes and no repeats sometimes had an extra space after the comma between multiple footnote numbers.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.5 are below)

(new) On the Book reports, you can select the new events, without also having to pick "separate paragraphs"

(fixed) Sets correct character set on Ancestor display screen if you are not using Western script font.

(changed) On Group sheets, when making HTML file, if a person is not married and the person is both on a family page as a child and also on a separate page as a single person, the Index will point to the page with the single person and the family page where they are a child will also link to the single person page.

(fixed) On the Alphabetical List when picking field 96 only, it was doing a form feed after each name (unless you did a Numeric List of field 96 previously.)

(changed) On Group sheets, if you pick the option to 'omit blank events' it will still print the events "no children" and "never married" if a person has those events.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.4 are below)

(new) New type of Word Search called "event search" where you can look for any one event for a person. (search new events)

(new) New option to print only certain message lines. So if you have a note set to print ‘only if ask for 3’ then you can print only those notes, or all notes except those or whatever you choose.

(fix) On the Register Book report, if you asked to exclude details for living people, and if a child had died, but the spouse was still living, and that couple had no children, it would sometimes not exclude the details for the spouse.

(fix) Box chart was not printing page numbers even if requested.

(fix) Version 6.1.3 would label the first person on the Ahnentafel Report "parents" if you did the report more than one time without stopping the program.

(fix) Group sheets, was printing sources for child events even if requested to not print child sources.

(fix) Word Search was sometimes not searching the entire external file when searching Notes.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.3 are below)

(new) You can print up to 199 generations on the Descendant report and the Ahnentafel reports

(new) On the Ahnentafel reports, the numbering used to stop at 1 billion. Now it continues up to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.

(fix) Fixed a problem when exporting a Gedcom file if a note started with a carriage return before the first line of text.

(fix) Fixed "return without gosub" error on Word Search, Any Field, with sources searched also.

(fix) Sometimes the book report would say "Partner" for a married couple.

(new) Added Help Topic 300 for "add a source to a range of people."

(fix) Word Search will also search Event Notes when on the "Any Field" tab.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.2 are below)

(new) Option on Gedcom export to not export the Abbreviation field (English only)

(fix) Fixed a problem when importing a Gedcom file with foreign characters in an event note.

(new) If you pick the option to put birth and death dates on the index, it will omit them if you are excluding living people.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.1 are below)

(new) Utility to add a Source to a Range of people. (English only)

(new) Option to show the birth and death dates on the printed index for a report (not available for RTF index yet and also see above 6.1.2 to omit dates in the index for Living people)

(new) Prints the Source for a Note on the book reports.

(new) Prints "family" Notes on the book reports.

(fixed) The Delete Unused Sources routine will now find the problem of an old source that was attached to a deleted person or that was attached to a deleted name from a Name grid.

(fixed) Sometimes pressing F1 on the Ancestor Box chart displayed the wrong help screen.

(fixed) On the Custom Lists, picking fields 92 and 95 was not working correctly, but picking 95 and 92 was OK.

(fixed) On the Ahnentafel List, if picking fields 86 or 87 or 88, the ahnentafel number was overwriting the name.

(fixed) On Gedcom Export, the Age for living people was sometimes showing 17 instead of the age you picked the previous time.

(new items or items fixed by 6.1.0 are below)

(fixed) Gedcom import sometimes had a problem with FTM style Note lines

(fixed) Group sheet, Create HTML with pictures would omit the first picture unless you picked "print separation lines"

(new) On the Picture Summary screen, if you press the F6 key before you pick File, Print, All Pictures Attached to People, it will print the Heading for the picture instead of the file name of the picture.

(new) On the Book reports (Register, Indented, Ahnentafel) and on Group sheets there is a new option to print sources as footnotes, but without the page numbers that are attached to each footnote. Using this option will give you less footnotes if you have cited the same source several times, but with different page numbers. To use this option, click the option for Sources with Footnotes, and then press the F7 key and it will add "no page num." to the line. Note that this option will not currently be saved when you pick Save Options.

(new items or items fixed by 6.0.100 are below)

(fixed) Gedcom Export sometimes had a problem with ABT or BEF followed by only a year.

(fixed) Gedcom Export now converts Event Notes to Ansel

(changed) New version of Grid on Edit screen to fix the problem where it would sometimes lock up after typing certain ALT or CTRL keys.

(new items or items fixed by 6.0.99 are below)

(fixed) When adding a new master source with a repository, sometimes the repository did not stay connected to the source.

(changed) Changed the Word Perfect 9.0 option to be the same as Word Perfect 6.0

(fixed) The word Nickname was uppercase in the Book reports for spouses.

(fixed) Fixed the "Type Mismatch" error on Merge if the database being added had more sources than the database being added to.

(changed) A gedcom import of a large FTM gedcom file (over 10,000 names) with notes will go faster now.

(new) To make the Notes textbox larger, double click the text box. Double click it again to return to normal size.

(new) To make any of the four text boxes larger on the Source screen, double click the text box.

Click here to see older changes before 6.0.99


Convert routine may have problems if attached files do not have a drive letter but do have a path

CTRL+ a letter for a shortcut has been changed to CTRL+SHIFT+ a letter. Only works on Edit screen currently.

The "Print Where" field for notes does nothing yet, except notes marked "never print" will not print.

The notes attached to events do not print yet (except on Book reports and Group sheets).

Regarding the "Print Where" field for pictures: If one is set to Primary, that one will be used for reports with pictures. If none is marked Primary, the one marked Group will print. If none are marked, the first will print.

The "Print Where" field for names does nothing yet, except if you select Birthday/Anniversary report.

Most reports will only show the 5 primary events for a person: Birth, Baptism, Christening, Death, Burial and one occupation and show Married and Divorced for family records. However the Group sheet report has an option to print all events if you turn off the option for basic events only. Also the Book reports can print all the new events.

If you find any other bugs in the program, please email information to John Steed and include the version number of the program you are using. Pick Help, About BK to see the version number such as 6.1.30. It is best to send bug reports directly to John Steed and not to the BK mail list.

The discussion list for Brother's Keeper is currently being hosted by RootsWeb. To join the list, send an email message with only the word SUBSCRIBE in both the subject and the body of the message to (for mail mode) or to (for digest mode). After you subscribe, you will then get messages from everyone that sends messages to the list, and you may then send messages to the list by sending them to If you only subscribe to digest mode, you will only get one message each day instead of possibly several messages each day. The list is not run by John Steed, but John is a member of the list. The list is useful to find out what others are doing with BK and to get ideas from others. If you have a question for John Steed, do not send it to the list, but instead send the question to John directly.



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